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Les Beatles

Les Beatles
EMI music international, distrib. EMI music France
2 disques compacts (51 min 04 s, 48 min 32 s)
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Note General : Texte des chansons . - London : prod. EMI records Ltd, P 1993
Note Contenu : Réunit : Long and winding road (The) Réunit : Strawberry fields forever / Penny lane / Sgt. Pepper's lonely hearts club band / With a little help from my friends / Lucy int the sky whit diamonds / A day in the life / All you need is love / I am the walrus / Hello goodbye / Fool on the hill (The) / Magical mystery tour / Lady Madonna / Hey Jude / Revolution / Back in the U.R.S.S.R / Wile my guitar gently weeps / Ob-la-di, ob-la-da / Get back / Don't les me down / Ballad of John & Yoko (The) / Old brown shoe / Here comes the sun / Come together / Something / Octopus's garden / Let it be / Across the universe / Long and winding road (The) /
Disponibilité Type Localisation Cote
Disponible Musiques RDC - Arts Image Son - CD - Pop Rock 2.20 BEA


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