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Captain Fantastic and the brown dirt cowboy

the 30th anniversary edition
Captain Fantastic and the brown dirt cowboy
[distrib. Universal division Mercury]
2 disques compacts (1 h 05 min 53 s, 1 h 11 min 34 s)
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Note General : Texte des chansons
Note Contenu : Réunit : Saturday night's alright for fighting Réunit : Captain Fantastic and the brown dirt cowboy / Tower of Babel / Bitter fingers / Tell me when the whistle blows / Someone saved my life tonight / {Gotta get a} meal ticket / Better off dead / Writing / We all fall in love sometimes / Curtains / Lucy in the sky with Diamonds / One day at a time / Philadelphia freedom / House of cards / Pinball wizard / Saturday night's alright for fighting /
Disponibilité Type Localisation Cote
Disponible Musiques RDC - Arts Image Son - CD - Pop Rock 2 JOH


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