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Ravi Shankar : in celebration

classical sitar ; orchestral and ensembles ; east-west collaboration ; vocal and experimental
Ravi Shankar : in celebration
1996 (DL) Los Angeles, Calif 90028. - St Ouen l'Aumone Angel Records USA. - distrib. EMI music France
4 disques compacts (1 h 11 min 16 s, 1 h 07 min 45 s, 1 h 13 min 52 s, 1 h 07 min 22 s)
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Bande d'annonce
Note Contenu : Réunit : 4th [Fourth] movement raga mala {sitar concerto n e2} Shanti mantra Tilak shyam Dhun kafi Réunit : Sitar and violin duet / 2nd [Second] movement sitar concerto n e1 / 3rd [Third] movement sitar concerto n e1 / Morning love / Indo-Japan finale / Enchanted dawn / 4th [Fourth] movement raga mala {sitar concerto n e2} / Vandana / Hey nath / Pather panchali / Supaney mein aye / West eats meat / Oh bhagawan / Friar park / Tana mana / I am missing you / Ta na tom / Fire night / Sanwaréy, sanwaréy / Dispute and violence / Shanti mantra / V7 1/2 / Jait / Sandhya raga / Ghanashyam / Tilak shyam / Charu keshi / Bhatiyar / Adarini / Marwa / Dhun kafi /
Disponibilité Type Localisation Cote
Disponible Musiques RDC - Arts Image Son - CD - Musiques du monde 031.1 SHA


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