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In the flesh

In the flesh
Sony music France [distrib.]
1 DVD vidéo monoface simple couche zone 2 (2h 50 min) : coul. (PAL), son., surround (Dolby) : Âœ pouce (1,27 cm)
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Retrouvez Roger Waters en live à Glasgow avec les titres : In the flesh / The happiest days of our lives / Another brick in the wall / Mother / Get your filthy hands off my desert / Southampton dock / Pigs on the wing / Dogs / Welcome to the machine / Wish you were here / Shine on you crazy diamond / Set the controls for the heart of the sun / Breathe (In the air) / Time / Money / The pros and cons of hitch hiking / Every stranger's eyes / Perfect sense / The bravery of being out of range / It's a miracle / Amused to death / Brain damage / Eclipse / Comfortably numb / Each small candle.
Bande d'annonce
Extraits sonores
Note General : Notice rédigée d'après la jaquette
Note General : Copyright : Sony music entertainment Inc. , cop. 2002
Note Contenu : Réunit : In the flesh/The Happiest days of our lives/Another brick in the wall, part 2/Mother/Get your filthy hands off my desert/Southampton dock/Pigs on the wing, part 1/Dogs/Welcome to the machine/Wish you were here/Shine on you crazy diamond (parts1-8)/Set the controls for the heart of the sun/Breathe (in the air)/Time/Money/The Pros and cons of hitch hiking part 11/Perfect sense/The Bravery of being out of range/It's a miracle/Amused to death/Brain damage/Eclipse/Comfortably numb/Each smalls candle
Disponibilité Type Localisation Cote


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