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Ella Fitzgerald sings the Duke Ellington song book

Ella Fitzgerald sings the Duke Ellington song book
1999 (P) [S.l.]. - Antony Polygram international. - distrib. Polygram Distribution
3 disques compacts
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Bande d'annonce
Note Contenu : Réunit : All heart - alternative takes Réunit : Rockin' in rhythm / Drop me off in Harlem / Day dream / Caravan / Take the "A" train / I ain't got nothin' but the blues / Clementine / I didn't know about you / I'm beginning to see the light / Lost in meditation / Perdido / Cotton tail / Do nothin' till you hear from me / Just a-sittin' and a-rockin' / Solitude / Rocks in my bed / Satin doll / Sophisticated lady / Just squeeze me {but don't tease me} / It don't mean a thing {if it ain't got that swing} / Azure / I let a song go out of my heart / In a sentimental mood / Don't get around much anymore / Prelude to a kiss / Mood indigo / In a mellow tone / Love you madly / Lush life / Squatty roo / I'm just a lucky so-and-so / All too soon / Everything but you / I got it bad {and that ain't good} / Bli-blip / Chelsea bridge / Portrait of Ella Fitzgerald / E and the D blues {E for Ella, D for Duke} (The) / Chelsea Bridge - Rehearsal / All heart - alternative takes /
Disponibilité Type Localisation Cote
Disponible Musiques RDC - Arts Image Son - CD - Jazz Blues Gospel 130 FIT


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