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The Celtic viol

an hommage to the Irish and Scottish traditions
The Celtic viol
Alia vox, [distrib. Naïve distribution]
1 SACD (1 h 15 min 19 s) : DSD
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Note Contenu : Réunit : Alastair macalastair Princess Beatrice Mairi bhan og : mary young & fair Pretty peggy Lord moira's & jinrikisha The humours Gudewife admit the wanderer Mrs macpherson of gibton Tuttle's Carolan's farewell The musical priest Chapel keithack Prince Charlie's last view of edinburg Lady mary hay's scots measure Tullochgorum Macpherson's lament Caledonia's wail The lamentations of owen roe o'neill Sackow's Gusty's frolies Tom brigg's, Jig Twas within a furlong of Edinburgh town The gander in the pratie hole Lament for the death of his second wife Dowd's reel Hard is my fate The globby o, jig Emigrants reel Trip it upstairs
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En prêt ( Retour prévu le 12/02/2025 ) Musiques RDC - Arts Image Son - CD - Musique classique 345 SAV


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