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Essential original albums

Essential original albums
Play It Again Sam
3 CD
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Il chaussait du 53 et mesurait 1,92 m pour 124 kg : Howlin' Wolf était l'un des colosses du blues de Chicago. Chanteur, guitariste et harmoniciste, son influence musicale s'étend du rockabilly jusqu'au rock and roll classique.
Bande d'annonce
Note Contenu : Réunit : No place to go So glad Moanin' for my baby Sitting on the top of the world You gonna wreck my life - aka no place to go I've been abused All night boogie My life You'll be mine Dog me around - aka how many more years Poor boy Goin' back home Evil - is goin' on Red rooster (The) Smokestack lightnin' Howlin' for my baby - aka howlin' for my darling Worried about my baby Who's been talking? Spoonful Twisting and turning I'm the wolf Somebody in my home Shake for me Come to me baby Rockin' daddy Who will be next? Morning at midnight I'm leavin' you My friends - aka stealing my clothes Little baby I asked for water Passing my blues Baby, how long Howlin' wolf boogie Sun is rising (The) I'll be around My baby stole off I want your picture Tell me Down in the bottom How many more years I didn't know Mr. highway man Change my way Riding in the moonlight House rockin' boogie Mr. airplane man You can't be beat Don't mess with my baby Brown skin woman - aka chocolate drop Back door man Wang-dang-doodle Oh! red Crying at daybreak - aka smokestack lightning Forty-four Keep what you got Moanin' in the moonlight Going down slow Nature Backslide boogie
Disponibilité Type Localisation Cote
Disponible Musiques RDC - Arts Image Son - CD - Jazz Blues Gospel 110 HOW

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