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American Folk Blues Festival 1965-1969

American Folk Blues Festival 1965-1969
4 disque compact
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Bande d'annonce
Note General : Enr. 1965, 1966, 1967, 1969
Note Contenu : Réunit : Aberdeen Blues My black name ringing Rocking with chromanica What kind of man is this Chekin' on my baby Louise First time i met the blues Rock island line John jackson breakdown Running shoes Wang dang doodle Hound dog The big question I'm gonna move across the river Poor boy Rosalie Easy baby Jumpin' with juke boy Flip, flop and fly A tribute to Sonny Boy Williamson King of the world I keep on drinking Five long years Looking good You be so fine Slow down Christine Going up and down You shouldn't do it Got a letter this morning Suitcase blues My own fault Wrap it up Running the boogie Hard luck child* Roll'em Pete The sky is crying Across the atlantic ocean Blue shadows fall Come on back home Zydeco et pas sale Della Mae Walk on All your love
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