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Classiques du jazz - complete recordings (Les)

Classiques du jazz - complete recordings (Les)
Socadisc Europ' Distribution
1 CD
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Bande d'annonce
Extraits sonores
Down in honky-tonk town
Savoy blues
I'll never be the same
At sundown
Careless love
Ole miss
Nobody knows when I'm down and out
Basin street blues
Black and blue
Struttin' with some barbecue
I'm coming Virginia
St. james infirmary
Wrap your troubles in dreams
Dear old southland
When it's sleepy time down south
I ain't got nobody
Ain't misbehavin
I've found a new baby
Frankie and Johnnie
Sugar blues
Baby won't you please come home
Rockin' chair
Squeeze me
Note Contenu : Réunit : Frankie and Johnnie Squeeze me Black and blue Basin street blues I'll never be the same Dear old southland Savoy blues Down in honky-tonk town Baby won't you please come home Nobody knows when I'm down and out Careless love Rockin' chair Ain't misbehavin I ain't got nobody Melancholy I'm coming Virginia Chicago At sundown Wrap your troubles in dreams When it's sleepy time down south Sugar blues Struttin' with some barbecue Ole miss St. james infirmary I've found a new baby
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