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Live at Wembley'86

Live at Wembley'86
EMI music international, distrib. EMI music France
2 disques compacts (1 h 34 s, 50 min 28 s) : 110 mn 53
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Note General : Détail du personnel . - Enregistrement public . - [S.l.] : prod. Queen Productions Ltd, P 1992
Note Contenu : Réunit : God save the Queen Réunit : One vision / Tie your mother down / In the lap of the Gods / Seven seas of Rhye / Tear it up / A kind of magic / Under pressure / Another one bites the dust / Who wants to live forever / I want to break free / Impromptu / Brighton rock solo / Now I'm here / Love of my life / Is this the world we created / Baby i don't care / Hello mary lou / Tutti frutti / Gimme some lovin' / Bohemian rhapsody / Hammer to fall / Crazy little thing called love / Big Spender / Radio Ga Ga / We will rock you / Friends will be friends / We are the champions / God save the Queen /
Disponibilité Type Localisation Cote
Disponible Musiques RDC - Arts Image Son - CD - Pop Rock 2 QUE


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