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The ultimate collection

The ultimate collection
3 compacts disques
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Bande d'annonce
Note Contenu : Réunit : Froggy mix Réunit : Think / Bewildered / Night train / Prisoner of love / Out of sight / Papa's got a brand new bag / Get up offa that thing / I got you { I feel good } / It's a man's man's world / Bring it up / Cold sweat / Get it together / I can't stand myself / I got the feeling / I feel alright / Licking stick / Say it loud, i'm black and i'm proud / Goodbye my love / Mother pop corn / Give it up or turn it loose / I don't want nobody / Brother rapp / Sex machine / Escape-ism / Hotpants / Call me superbad / Get up, get into it, Get involved / Soul power / Make it funky / There it is / I'm a greedy man / Talking loud and saying nothing / King heroin / Get on the good foot / People get up and drive your funky soul / I got ants in my pants / The payback / My thang / Papa don't take no mess / Funky president / Woman / The paback mix / Froggy mix /
Disponibilité Type Localisation Cote
Disponible Musiques RDC - Arts Image Son - CD - Jazz Blues Gospel 180 BRO


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